SOUL, America's Most Soulful Newspaper

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Stevie Wonder SOUL Memories


Stevie and his four-person entourage made an unexpected stop by the SOUL offices one day to play us his newest recording. All work halted immediately, and everyone was frozen, waiting to see what his visit was about. 

Stevie led with his brother Calvin and publicist Ira Tucker close behind. Helen our receptionist led them straight into my office without missing a beat. I had hanging ferns over the couch in front of the big window in my office, because they were pretty and blocked out the parking lot at the back of the building while still letting the sunlight in. Stevie almost bumped his head on one of the ferns because no one was thinking that he couldn’t see based upon his movements.

We greeted one another and Stevie handed me a tape to play. There was little to no small talk, he was excited about his newest recording. I didn’t have anything in my office to play it on and he was taken aback obviously wondering how anyone in the music business would not have equipment on their desk. 

The tape deck, speakers, turntable and receiver were in the editorial office where they played music all day long. So, we all moved to the large multi-desk editorial room and listened. Fifty years later I wish I could remember the song. Stevie being Stevie, told Ira to get me a system for my office. I’ve still got the Bang and Olufsen speakers, received, and turntable  and treasure it to this day. But what was that song?